I feel great. I have a little indigestion today, but that's because I had a stomach bug yesterday. It only lasted about 12 hours, but they weren't fun hours. This is here because it may also affect my size a little. Maybe not, but it's worth noting.
People who know me well have noted that I look slimmer. This may be due to reduction in midsection bloat, but my MIL even said I look like I did when David and I were dating. I don't think I'm quite there yet, but it's nice to hear the compliment.
The one difference I've noticed is a stark drop in appetite. I've gone from grazing a lot to eating small, snack-sized meals 4-5 times a day. Half a bowl of soup here, piece of fruit there, that kind of thing. I'm quite satisfied with the food I'm eating and am loving some of the GF bread mixes I've found and what they accomplish for me. Read: I ate pizza for dinner last night! Also, Chik-fil-a has a GF menu. This was a source of delight for me.
This brings me to the point I have reached. Really, if you have the time and resources to make it happen, there's really not much you can't eat. Cakes, pies, pizza, hamburgers, cookies--you may have to modify your favorite recipes, but if it exists, there is probably a GF version. In these 2 weeks, I really don't feel that I've given much up at all. I've made different choices, but I haven't gone hungry nor wanting. Though, I will say, I'd give the $5 I was unwilling to drop earlier for a box of GF mac and cheese right now. I'm kinda kicking myself for not buying rice pasta when I had the chance.
Hip: 39 inches
Waist: 32 inches
Bicep: 13 inches
Sweet! I've gone down about an inch in the hip (the measurement I hated most, and about 1/2 inch elsewhere! For anyone's reference, I'm about 5 foot 7 in height and weighed 155 last week.
We'll see if anything changes in the next two weeks. I'm pretty stoked to keep up exercising and eating healthy, wheat-free foods. I don't think this is a miracle diet or anything like that, but I am liking what I'm seeing and the choices I'm making with this new boundary.