And what better to cut than the food budget? Seriously, I'm about to be eating A TON more than what I should be, anyway, so now is the time to find some healthy, cheap food.
What's that I hear? Santa's "hohoho" of merriment? Cheap, healthy food? Am I nuts? Would I like a handful of almonds? Don't mind if I do.
Here are some easy grow-it-yourself options that I've discovered recently, thanks to Pinterest:
Grow your own bean sprouts. The grocery store has lentils for pretty much nothing. There's a lot you can do with a bag of dried beans, but I'd never heard, until last week, that you can use them to grow bean sprouts for salads or egg rolls or as a healthy filler in stir fry.
Here's the process: Get a quart jar. Put 1/2 cup (ish) of lentils in the bottom. Fill it with water and let it soak overnight. You'll be keeping it in the windowsill about 4 days. Strain the water the next morning (if you have a sieve lid or a small strainer so you don't have to dump the beans out, that's the best way.) The following morning, rinse the beans and drain the water (you're basically keeping them moist without allowing standing water to set up for mold.) Same thing days 3 and 4. By dinnertime on Day 4, you should have a quart full of bean sprouts.
Green onions:
I go through green onions like kids go through peanut butter. So, when I heard you can grow your own green onions in the windowsill FROM THE BOTTOMS OF YOUR OLD GREEN ONIONS, I about did a dance of joy. I left about an inch and a half on the bottoms, planted the onions in an old tea tin, kept them moist, and in a day or two, had enough tops to make a chicken salad. This picture is the day after I cut them. I'm not even joking. I need to get some more tins like this and have herb gardens in my windowsills.
Ginger (sorry, no photo, it hasn't sprouted yet).
Set store-bought ginger on top of the soil, and keep the soil moist. We'll see how this one goes. :)
What else do you guys grow in your windowsills? I think my bathroom window could use some greenery...
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